
Spark Accumulators


Spark is a powerful distributed computing framework for processing big data. One of its key strengths is its ability to handle large-scale and complex data processing tasks that involves multiple stages. One of the useful features of Spark is the Accumulators, which provide a way to add information to a variable in a distributed fashion. In this blog post, we will discuss Spark Accumulators, its usage, features, and how it can be useful.

What are Spark Accumulators?

Spark Accumulators are variables that are used to accumulate values from multiple worker nodes in a distributed system. They are used to store a read-only variable that can be used in parallel computations. Accumulators are used to count the number of elements in a dataset, sum up the values of a dataset, or any other computation that would like to update a variable in a distributed manner.

Accumulators can be defined as ‘read-only’ variables, which indicates that they can only be added to in a distributed way, but they cannot be written to from a worker node. They are only updated through an operation called ‘an action’ like adding to it or incrementing its value. Accumulators provide a way for a Spark driver program to send a read-only variable to multiple worker nodes, and those nodes update the value of the variable in a distributed fashion. The driver program can read the final value of the accumulator after all the updates are finished.

Spark Accumulators are the primary way to communicate information from the worker nodes back to the driver program in a distributed system. Spark’s driver program sends the accumulator to the worker nodes, and the workers update the accumulator by using it in their computations, for example, adding all the values in a dataset.

Features of Spark Accumulators

Spark Accumulators have a few unique features that make them useful. These features include:

Distributed Functionality

Spark Accumulators are designed to work in a distributed system. In a Spark application, there are multiple worker nodes that handle different parts of a computation. Accumulators allow a read-only variable to be updated in a distributed fashion, so the final result can be calculated faster.

Fault Tolerance

Accumulators are fault-tolerant, so if a node fails during an operation, Spark will recover the operation on a different node, ensuring computation is fault-tolerant. A single failure does not affect the final result because accumulators are only updated through an operation called ‘an action’.


Accumulators are easy to use because they allow update operations to be written in a familiar programming style, such as incrementing or adding to a variable.

How to Use Spark Accumulators

Using Spark Accumulators is easy. Here are the basic steps:

Step 1: Create an Accumulator

To create an accumulator, call the SparkContext.accumulator method, specifying the initial value of the accumulator. For example:

accum = sc.accumulator(0)

This creates an accumulator with an initial value of zero. Accumulators can have various types such as integer, float or even a custom class.

Step 2: Use the Accumulator in operations

Once the accumulator is created, it can be used in operations. For example, to add a value to the accumulator, use the add() method:


This will add the value 1 to the accumulator.

Step 3: Access the Accumulator's value

To access the final value of the accumulator, use the value attribute:


This will print out the accumulator's final value.


Spark Accumulators are an essential tool for distributed computing in Spark. They provide a way for a driver program to communicate a read-only variable to multiple worker nodes, making distributed computation faster and more efficient. With the unique features of Spark Accumulators, such as fault tolerance and convenience, it's easy to use and incorporate them into a Spark application.

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文章名称:《Spark Accumulators》